We make responsible investments.

Download Elaia's 2023 Sustainability Report




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All investments made by Elaia take into account the ESG Principles. We are signatories of the Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI), promoted by the United Nations.

By investing early in tomorrow’s leaders and raise awareness to our portfolio companies of the importance of responsible investing, we develop a “multiplier effect” in their industries. We are a financial-first, impact driven fund.

Performance & Impact

In the continuity of its values and its know-how, Elaia will pursue to bring performance and positive impact by supporting entrepreneurs who develop technologies that will change, transform and enhance our futures.

Accelerating change

We are convinced that being driven by impact will maximize our company’s financial returns and protect us from potential market downsides. We commit to accelerating change towards a more respectful model.

Although we are a performance-first fund, we believe that Responsible Investment is a necessity and can foster performance.  Our approach to impact is aligned with the Elaia strategy to generate excellent financial performance for its investors while being close to and trusting its investors and committed entrepreneurs. We are a financial-first, impact driven fund. All investments and decisions made by Elaia take into account the ESG principles.

We follow these engagements throughout our investment process, from sourcing to exit.


In our decision making we will privilege entrepreneurs that are committed to sustainability. We also encourage our portfolio companies to measure & improve their impact throughout their lifecycle. Currently, 2600 people are employed by our portfolio companies, and we want everyone to work towards the same goal.


We encourage our investors to adhere to the same principles that promote sustainability, diversity and inclusion.

Team Players

Elaia employees are leading the way with concrete actions in terms of sustainable, environmental and social engagements (A dedicated taskforce, impact through research valorization, equal gender from analysts to partners, reusable water bottles & coffee machine, waste sorting and recycling at the office, etc.)

Follow Our Progress, Partnerships And Commitments:

Diversity VC Standar Seal - Level 1 - 2021

Meet some of our portfolio companies:

Let’s build the future together!

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